Thanks so much for the quick response Lisa and Rachel! Much appreciated. I'll reach out to you privately with details.

From: Martincik, Lisa L - lisa-martincik at (via nasig-l list) <>
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2024 1:13 PM
To: '' <>
Subject: <External>RE: [External] Re: Seeking e-resources librarian for student interview

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As am I.




Lisa Martincik     (she/they)

Electronic Resources Librarian

University of Iowa


Please do not feel obligated to answer outside of your working hours.




From: Rachel Bomberger - rabomber at (via nasig-l list) <>
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2024 12:31 PM
To: NASIG-L discussion list <>
Subject: [External] Re: Seeking e-resources librarian for student interview


I'm available.




Rachel Bomberger

Electronic Resources Librarian, Collections & Discovery

USF Libraries

University of South Florida

4202 E. Fowler Avenue, LIB 122, Tampa, FL 33620



From: Sarah Sutton - ssutton3 at (via nasig-l list) <>
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2024 11:41 AM
To: NASIG-L discussion list <>
Subject: Seeking e-resources librarian for student interview


Hi all,


I'm teaching a course on e-resources management this summer for Emporia State University's School of Library and Information Management. One assignment my students must complete is an interview with an e-resources librarian.  I have a student in Utah who's looking for an interviewee and I wondered if there is anyone among the NASIG membership who might have time (maybe 30 to 45 minutes) and willingness to be interviewed in the next week or so. You don't have to be in Utah since this is an online class and the interview would likely be via Zoom.


Many thanks in advance!



Sarah W. Sutton, MLS, Ph.D., CDA

Associate Professor

SLIM Assessment Director

NASIG Student Outreach Ambassador to ESU SLIM

1 Kellogg Circle, Box 25

Emporia, KS 66801


Office hours: in Zoom most Wednesdays from 10:30 - 11:30 am Central time, all are welcome! (, or make an appointment to talk with me:


CliftonStrengths: empathy, consistency, intellection, developer, harmony

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