
My name is Maria Aghazarian, and I am the Scholarly Communications Librarian at Swarthmore College. I’m working with my colleagues Allegra Swift and Annie Johnson to conduct an anonymous survey to examine how people in scholarly communications positions experience and adjust to change. We are also interested in understanding the extent to which scholarly communication workers feel that they do or do not receive support and resources from peers and upper administrators.

As a scholarly communications worker in an academic library in North America, you are in an ideal position to provide valuable information about your own perspectives. Even if your job title does not include the words 'scholarly communication,’ but you work in these areas, please take this survey.

If you are willing to participate, please complete this survey. The total time involved should be around 15-20 minutes. The survey will be open until Monday, March 20, 2023.


Participation in this survey is anonymous and voluntary. The Office of Research at the University of California San Diego has determined that this research is exempt from IRB oversight; additional information can be found at the beginning of the survey.

Please use this link to take the survey. Questions can be reviewed in advance through this link.

Many thanks in advance for your participation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you,

Maria Aghazarian

Allegra Swift, Scholarly Communications Librarian, UC San Diego <akswift@ucsd.edu>

Annie Johnson, Associate University Librarian for Publishing, Preservation, Research and Digital Access, University of Delaware <akjohnso@udel.edu>

Maria Aghazarian, Scholarly Communications Librarian, Swarthmore College <maghaza1@swarthmore.edu>

Maria Aghazarian  http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6260-3251 (hear my name)
Scholarly Communications Librarian
Swarthmore College
500 College Ave | Swarthmore, PA 19081